Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! This is a great time to reflect on what we are truly grateful for.

The announcements for this week are:
*There is an Elf Swap coming up! If you have anything that you are planning on taking to the DI, and it is gently used or new (for example; toys, clothes etc..) please drop off your items at the church on Dec. 3 between 4 and 6 pm. The shopping will be from 7-9 pm.

*Our ward Christmas Party is coming up! It is going to be on Dec. 4th. So bring the family to have a great night!!

Our lesson in Relief Society was given by Kim Wilson. I want to thank her for such a great lesson! The spirit that was there was so wonderful and uplifting. Her lesson was on Elder Bednar's talk from the Oct. 2009 General Conference.
"We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ." Elder Bednar gives us three suggestions to become more diligent and concerned at home.

The first suggestion is: Express love-and SHOW IT! How often do you tell a family member you love them and truly mean it? Elder Bednar states; "Each of us already knows we should tell the people we love that we love them. But what we know is not always reflected in what we do. We may feel unsure, awkward, or even perhaps a bit embarrassed."

The second suggetion is: Bear Testimony-AND LIVE IT! It is always one thing to bear your testimony but how often are we living it? As you go throughout your week, be ever mindful of your testimony and think of ways you can live it. Who may need to hear it? What does your testimony mean to you?

The Third suggestion is: BE CONSISTENT! Sometimes it can become very frustrating when we feel like our efferts are being ignored. Or even not having an impact on our childrens live's. If we are consistent with our family it is the beginning of laying down the foundation of great work in our individual lives. "As we seek the Lord’s help and in His strength, we can gradually reduce the disparity between what we say and what we do, between expressing love and consistently showing it, and between bearing testimony and steadfastly living it. We can become more diligent and concerned at home as we are more faithful in learning, living, and loving the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."

**Next weeks lesson will be combined with the Elder's Quoram.**

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